
Welcome to The Great-Grandchild

Hello, Iā€™m Sasha the mama, maker and dachshund obsessed creator behind The Great-Grandchild.

I started The Great-Grandchild when my youngest daughter was five months old, after struggling to find a mobile that was visually appealing for both adults and children. I created my first bee mobile to compliment the style of her nursery.

My design background allowed me to start creating personalised mobiles for friends and family. Soon after I started my Instagram page which has received an unbelievable response. I have now decided to launch a new website that hopefully makes it easier for people to order. I have expanded the variety of mobiles I offer through both the imagination of customers and myself. Each mobile is handmade in Scotland and can be posted worldwide.

Nothing brings me more joy than to see your beautiful babies interact with them and I hope they love them as much as I enjoy creating them.

sweet dreams

Sasha xo